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MTK Auth Bypass Tool V42 Update Version Free Download

Download MTK Auth Bypass Tool V42 Update


MTK META Utility V42  :
 * Added - Samsung Galaxy A32 5G (SM-A326B, SM-A326B/DS, SM-A326BR/DS, SM-A326BR, SM-A326U, SM-A326W) - All Bits.
- Exit/Disable Brom mode (Debrick) and fix partition table corruption. 
* Added Extra button to fix PGPT only and keep preloader dead (corrupted), this is needed only for rare cases, when the partition table is fully corrupted, and you need to do some tasks in Brom mode before exiting it.
- We found out that the Partition table is the same for all A326X, but the preloader is different between security patches, there were more than 20 versions of this device with different security patches including carrier-specific devices, 
Therefore, in order to Exit broom mode, you need the correct preloader file according to your device BIT (Binary Rev), which can extract from the official Samsung factory firmware package (cantinas CSC) using this tool, the full explanation and description in the images below.
- After Exit brom, if you used the fix gpt button the device should power on normally and back to its original status if PT isn’t corrupted or the device will immediately enter Download Mode if PT is corrupted
- In this case, you need to perform a full flash operation in order to get your device working again in normal status.
- Also, we can confirm now that the force Brom button for A32 5G is working on all A326X all Bits
* Please don't try this method with :
- KG Locked devices.
- Devices with Sec Ctrl Status 0.
- Tracfone devices.
& The software is provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement, USE it at your own risk.

      Name Information
      Program MTK Auth Bypass Tool V42
      Type .EXE (Installation Setup)
      Version v42
      Size 46 MB
      Compatibility Windows XP, 7, 8, 10, 11
      Password Withoutpassword

      How To Use MTK Auth Bypass Tool V42 ?

      • First, you need to download the zip file from the below link
      • Extract downloaded file with WinRAR or 7ZIP.
      • Open the Extracted folder and run MTK Auth Bypass Tool V42  .exe With administrator privilege. 
      • that's all it will open a new window with necessary features.
      • Next, you can install all drivers if you already installed skip this step.
      • Connect the phone and try to do any function
      Created By Rohan Ahmed
      Designed byFlash-Firmware

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