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Blu Life One X2 and X2 Mini Firmware 100% Working Free Download

Revert To Stock Blu Life One X2 and X2 Mini

This guide is to assist in restoring your Blu Life One X2 or X2 Mini back to stock

::: How To Install:::

1. Install Qualcomm drivers
2. Install QFIL
3. Extract the Stock rom zip file
4. Open QFIL
5. Put your phone in Download mode
Hold down the volume up + volume down while plugging in phone to computer, hold for 8 seconds
 6. Open QFIL
At the top you will see it has been connected
7. Select Build- select the unzipped stock rom
8. Then load XML
select rawunparsed then patch0
9. Select programmer and select your .mbn file
10. click Download and wait
Once completed you will  be set back to stock (unrooted) ROM and recovery.

Blu Life One X2 Mini Stock Rom
Created By Rohan Ahmed
Designed byFlash-Firmware

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